Thursday 22 June 2017


Have you ever thought of running a cosmetics business ?

You will find this post helpful.

 Cosmetics business is a lucrative business to start from anywhere across the globe.

And the good thing about the business is that; you don't need an arm and a leg to get started.

You can start with N25, 000 or morel, depending on how much you want to invest.

This business even, is profitable in small towns and suburban areas.

To get started, you must understand how cosmetic and makeup works.

What product works for sensitive skin, what works for oily skin or what is good for dry skin. It is better if you have previous experience in cosmetics line.

Also, you need to decide which cosmetics brand you want to invest in as there are many brands in the market. You can start with one brand and then, add others as time goes on.

Another thing to have in mind are your target audience. Am I starting with hair products or perfume, skin care products or everything? Children or adult products? You need to decide where you want to begin.

I am willing to help you kick-start your beauty business.

I will show you how to make money, look great and have fun.

If you are interested, simply send 'I am interested' as a mail to

Or to 07087994994 as a WhatsApp message.

Your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

How to make money producing Liquid soap for fabric wash

Liquid soap business in Nigeria today is a fast moving business. And very lucrative one for that matter.

Liquid soap is used virtually everywhere. In university hostel, schools, colleges, restaurants, hospitals etc.

Soap is very important in our daily lives. We use soap for washing clothes, cleaning dishes, toilets and even our hair thereby making it an essential commodity.

There is nothing like multipurpose liquid soap as all soap has their functions and the chemical composition varies.

The good part of this business is that with less than N5,000, you can produce 50 litres of liquid soap! Isn't that great? Yes, it is.

Today, we will learn the production of fabric wash.

Learn how to produce liquid air freshener
Fabric wash are liquid soap for washing fabrics. They remove stains and dirt leaving your fabrics sparkling clean

 Materials needed for the production of fabric wash 

 3 buckets - you'll need 3 tall buckets in mixing the chemicals.

Wooden Spatula. For mixing.

Protective gloves. You will need these to protect your hands from the harsh chemicals. Always wear your gloves before handling chemicals.

Nose guide - you'll need this as you don't want to inhale the fumes from caustic soda and other chemicals.

Goggles protect your eyes from chemical splash.


Caustic Soda

Caustic Soda also known as Lye, is highly corrosive.

It comes in grains (like granulated sugar)

Can cause burn and serious injury on skin.

It removes stains and dirt

CAUSTIC SODA IS ADDED TO WATER AND NOT WATER TO CAUSTIC SODA. Can cause serious injury if done the other way round.

Sulphunic acid is a foaming agent in soap and it comes in black colour

Nitrosol is a thickening agent. It dissolves instantly with water.
Other alternatives include; CMC,  Antisol and PAC R.

CMC and PAC R are  not instant dissolver. You will need to leave them in water for 24hours hours to dissolve

Texapon is a surfactant or detergent. It forms micelles that allows non polar material like oils to be dissolved in water.

Sodium triphosphate (STPP) is a strong cleaning ingredient that typically can rid dishes and fabrics of soil and spots.

it also prevents deposition of soil and acts as a pH buffer. It softens detergent water and can be used as a water treatment, as well.

Colour Add beauty to your finished products. Examples include : green, orange, blue etc.

Fragrance: To give a palatable odour.
Examples of fragrance include; lemon, banana, lavender, lemon grass, orange etc.


1. Have an exclusive place as your workshop which should be out of bond to pets, children and other family members.

2. Do not share your kitchen utensils for soap production. Always have separate materials for your production.

3. All chemicals should be labelled accordingly so you won't mistake one for another.

4. Always wear protective shoes when preparing/handling chemicals

5. Goggles, gloves and nose mask are very important. Use them.

Let's dive in!


Caustic Soda 1/2kg
Nitrosol 1/4 kg
Sulphunic acid 1 1/2kg
Texapon 1/4 kg
STPP 1/4 kg
Colour - as desired
Fragrance - as desired


Get 3 empty buckets

 In bucket 1, add Nitrosol and 6ltrs of water for 30 mins

In bucket 2, add sulphunic acid and texapon and mix together

In bucket 3, add caustic soda, Stpp, 3ltrs of water. Mix

Add bucket 2 to bucket 1. And then add bucket 3 into bucket 1 and stir.
Just before adding colour 

Mix colour with water and add to the solution. Stir very well

Add fragrance and stir.

Allow bubbles to settle before packaging.

Fabric wash is ready!
The liquid soap after leaving to sit overnight. 

How do you make money producing Fabric wash? 

-connect with people that needs your product. Visit schools (primary and secondary) and introduce your product to the teachers. If you leave close to university or other tertiary institutions, visit the hostels and introduce your product to the students.

- tell them the features and advantages of your product.
Some people don't use liquid soap to wash clothes because they believe it doesn't remove stains like detergent or bar soap. Let them know this liquid soap is designed mainly for fabrics hence, it remove stains and dirt.

-Don't use your product as sample

Yes. See, giving people your product as sample will do you more harm than good. Instead of giving them for free, let them pay a fee. Package the Soap in small containers like 33 or 50cl and sale it as samples. If they really want it, let them pay for it.

-Ask for referrals
Ask your customers to introduce you/your soap to their friends and family.

-suggest your product as souvenirs for occasions.

- be consistent. Don’t produce today and then relax for another 3 months. consistency makes you known.

I hope you find this useful? Please click the  like button below and  share this article with your friends.

Your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Air freshener is used in repelling insects and eradicating bad odour in the home.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to produce liquid air freshener in 3 simple steps.

Let's get started..

Needed materials:

Wooden Spatula
2 buckets

Chemicals required:

10 litres of distilled Water
1 cup of Texapon
1 litre of Mentalon
Any Colour of choice.  (But pink is mostly used)
Fragrance of choice. As desired

In a bucket, mix mentalon with fragrance . This will make the fragrance to incorporate into the mixture. Thereby, not making the fragrance to float once the product is ready

In another bucket , Mix colour with a little quantity of  water.

Add texapon to bucket 1. Then, add bucket 2 to the mixture in bucket 1.

Your air freshener is ready!

You can then package for sale or for personal use.

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Have you ever thought of running a cosmetics business ? You will find this post helpful.  Cosmetics business is a lucrative business...